Pre-k4 curriculum

Social & Emotional Skills
Respect & show concern for people and things
Accept & respond to authority
Play & share with other children
Have a good self-image
Have appropriate control over feelings
​Can identify feelings (happy, sad) & have appropriate control
Fine/Gross Motor Skills
Use crayons, scissor, and glue appropriately
Runs, jumps and climbs well
Catches, bounces, and throws
a ball
Is beginning to manipulate a zipper, button, and snap
Can take part in games

Work/Play Habits
Follow rules & directions independently
Work well in small groups
Seek only my share of teacher’s attention
Self-Reliance/Speaking Skills
Speaks clearly & communicates in sentences
Expanding vocabulary
Waits for turn when speaking in group

Reading/Math Readiness
Knows some upper & lower case letters
Can produce some sounds
Can print first name
Knows colors & shapes,
Knows numbers 1-20
Can sequence different sizes
Can categorize objects